The iPhone Has a Secret One-Handed Keyboard - Did You Know About It?

We spend much of our lives on our phones, whether it's fighting off verbal assaults in the WhatsApp group chat or watching the endless stream of pet videos on Facebook.

All this time, though, there was actually a secret keyboard that very few of us had uncovered.

That is, until now.

Developer Steve Troughton-Smith recently discovered hidden code for a one-handed keyboard in Apple's iOS by hacking an iOS Simulator — something he suggests has been there since the launch of iOS 8 over two years ago.

It's likely you've seen something similar on your iPhone before, with the landscape keyboard offering several shortcuts to ease the strain on your cramping hand. This version, though, happens to push either side of the QWERTY portrait keyboard across in order to reach the shortcut options.

So, how could we have all been so blind?

Well, here's the massive catch to this discovery: you won't be able to make us of it unless you go through the same unofficial route as Steve.

If Troughton-Smith's technological find does somehow turn out to be legit, it makes a lot of sense — even if Apple doesn't confirm or ever utilise the keyboard. After all, iOS 8's arrival coincided with Apple's first phablet, the iPhone 6 Plus.

So if you've had enough of the keyboard tyranny and want to make typing just that little bit easier, take your jailbroken device and get swiping.

From: Digital Spy 

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