C Programming : Operators and Expressions introduction, examples and interview questions
C operators are the symbols which are used to perform the mathematical and logical operations. C has a rich set of built-in operators. These are the following built-in operators in c:
➣Arithmetic Operators
➣Logical Operators
➣Relational Operators
➣Assignment Operators
➣Bitwise Operators
➣Conditional Operators
➣Increment/Decrement Operators
➣Special Operators
Arithmetic Operator :
These operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus.
C operators are the symbols which are used to perform the mathematical and logical operations. C has a rich set of built-in operators. These are the following built-in operators in c:
➣Arithmetic Operators
➣Logical Operators
➣Relational Operators
➣Assignment Operators
➣Bitwise Operators
➣Conditional Operators
➣Increment/Decrement Operators
➣Special Operators
Arithmetic Operator :
These operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus.
Operator | Description | Example |
+ | Two operands are added | 2+3=5 |
- | First operand is subtracted by second operand | 3-2=1 |
* | Multiplies two operand | 3*2=6 |
/ | Divide numerator by denominator | 6/2=3 |
% | Gives remainder after the division of integer | 5%2=1 |
Logical Operator :
These operators are used to perform logical operations on the given expression.
Operator | Description | Example |
&& | Called as Logical AND operator. Output is 1 only when the inputs on both the sides will be true | 0&&1=0 |
|| | Called as Logical OR operator. Output is 0 only when the inputs on both the sides will be zero | 1||0=1 |
! | Called as Logical NOT operator. Gives the inverted output | !1=0 |
Assignment Operator :
These operators are used to assign the values to the variable.
Operator | Description | Example |
= | Assignment Operator. Assign right hand side value to the left hand side variable. | z=x+y |
+= | Add and Assignment Operator. Add right hand side operand to the left hand side operand and assigns the result to the left hand side operand. | x+=y gives x=x+y |
-= | Subtract and Assignment Operator. Subtracts right hand side operand from the left hand side operand and assign the result to the left hand side operand. | x-=y gives x=x-y |
*= | Multiply and Assignment Operator. Multiply right hand side operand to the left hand side operand and assigns the result to the left hand side operand. | x*=y gives x=x*y |
/= | Divide and Assignment Operator. Divides right hand side operand from the left hand side operand and assign the result to the left hand side operand. | x/=y gives x=x/y |
%= | Modulus and Assignment Operator. Divide right hand side operand from the left hand side operand and assigns the remainder to the left hand side operand. | x%=y gives x=x%y |
Relational Operator :
These operators are used to compare two variables or values.
Operator | Description |
== | Equal to Operator. Checks equal or not if true then returns true else return false. |
!= | Not equal to Operator. Checks equal or not if equal then returns false else return true. |
< | Less than Operator. Checks for lower value. |
> | Greater than Operator. Checks for greater value. |
<= | Less than equal to Operator. Checks for lower value or equal value. |
>= | Greater than equal to Operator. Checks for greater value or equal value. |
Bitwise Operator :
These operators are used to convert values into binary digits.
Operator | Description | Example |
>> | Right Shift All bits in x shifted to y bits right in x. | x>>y |
<< | Left Shift All bits in x shifted to y bits left in x. | x<<y |
& | Bitwise AND perform AND operation between each bit of x and each bit of y. | x&y |
| | Bitwise OR Perform OR operation between each bit of x and each bit of y. | x|y |
^ | Bitwise XOR Perform XOR operation between each bit of x and each bit of y. | x^y |
Conditional Operator :
This operator is used to give the result based on condition. It is just like "if-else".
Syntax: ?::
Example: a>b?c::d
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