How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking

 How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking

When it comes to WiFi Security, we all trust and secure our WiFi with WPA2-PSK protocol and believe that our WiFi is secured and no one can else can get access to our WiFi. And if you too think so and believe that no one can get access to your WiFi password then you might be wrong

Today in this post we are going to show you How to Hack/Crack a WPA2-PSK secured WiFi, using Kali Linux.

This hack can also help you to crack your neighbor or friend password too . Although this hack may or may not work on some WiFi network, but on testing this method on some random WiFi networks, it works Fine for us.

What You Will be Requiring to Hack a WiFi  or WiFi Password –
1. Laptop/PC
2. External Wi-Fi Adapter or Inbuilt Wi-Fi Device
3. Kali Linux OS

Warning : WiFi hacking is illegal.
“This post is only for educational purposes. I am not responsible for any consequences.”

 So let’s Start Cracking.

Step 1: Firstly open the Terminal in Kali Linux, then you need to find out the name of your wireless adapter.

To find out your the name of your wireless adapter Just type "ifconfig" on the terminal and hit enter. Here in our case, wlan0 is our Wireless adapter.

How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking 

Step 2: Now type "airmon-ng check kill" and hit enter and then type "airmon-ng check" and hit enter.

How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking 

Step 3: Enable Monitor mode. Now, we are going to use a tool called "airmon-ng" to create a virtual interface called mon. Just type "airmon-ng start wlan0" and hit enter.

How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking

Step 4: Now we have to start capturing packets and to do this, type "airodump-ng wlan0mon" and hit enter and after that, You will be able to see the list of available WiFi networks.

How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking 

Step 5: In order to hack a WiFi network, Select the BSSID of the network and then Press Ctrl+C.

for e.g. : If I want to hack the Wifi Bond_007 all I have to do is just copy the BSSID of the network.

How To Hack WiFi : Cracking WPA2-PSK Secured Wi-Fi Password Using Kali Linux - Ethical Hacking 

Step 6: Now write the command reaver –i wlan0mon -b (BSSID that you had copied) -vv -K 1 and then Hit enter. And that's it ,you got the password/passcode.

e.g: reaver -i wlan0mon -b B0:5G:54:96:G7:70 -vv -K 1

Note : All the advice or information provided above is purely for educational purposes and is not meant for illegal use. We do not condone hacking a wireless network until and unless you are the owner of that network.

1 comment:

  1. Why do people want to hack Wi-fi it's nonsense, yes it can be helpful if you don't have anything or want something, but it's not right, and at the end of the day what goes around comes back around.


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